Computer Vision Using Transformers

Thulasiram Gunipati
Jan 11, 2023

Topics Covered

  • Core concepts of Attention is all you need
  • Adapting Attention to vision
  • Use case Implementation

Attention is all you need

Why a new architecture is required?

  • RNNs process words sequentially
  • RNN cannot consider long sequence lengths

Attention Transformer Architecture

Blocks of the Architecture

  • Embedding layer
    • Reduce the dimension of word tokens
    • Projection to latent space
  • Positional Encoding
    • To track the relative position of the words

Self Attention

Self Attention

Self Attention

Why Multi-Head Attention

  • It expands the models ability to focus on different positions
  • It gives the attention layer multiple “representation subspaces”

Importance of Attention

  • Encoder providing a context to the decoder query by providing keys and values
  • Each position in the encoder can attend to all positions in the previous layer of encoder
  • Each position in decoder attending to all positions in the decoder

Skip connections

  • Skip connection help a word to pay attention to its own position
  • Keep the gradients smooth

Steps in Decoder

Adapting Attention to Vision

Vision Transformer

ViT Architecture


  • Inductive Bias and Locality Vs Global


  • Inductive Bias and Locality Vs Global
  • Flexibility
  • CNN works with less amount of data than ViT
  • Specifically, if ViT is trained on datasets with more than 14M (at least) images it can approach or beat state-of-the-art CNNs.


  • Transformer models are more memory efficient than ResNet models
  • ViT are prone to over-fitting due to their flexibility
  • Transformers can learn meaningful information even in the lowest layers


  • ViT reaches 84.86% top-1 accuracy on ImageNet with only 10 examples per class.
  • ViT is suitable for Transfer learning
  • ViTs are robust against data corruptions, image occlusions and adversarial attacks

Hybrid Architectures

  • CNN is used to extract features
  • The extracted features are used by the transformers

Use Case Discussion

Problem Statement

  • Monitoring when the children are in danger of leaving the front yard
  • Predict when childrean are about to leave the yard to trigger the alarm
  • We have videos of children playing sports


  • Collect and train the model on low quality images
  • Amount of data available
  • Training time available
  • Importance of Interpretability
  • Deployment requirements
    • latency
    • Model size
    • Inference cost


  • Object Detection
  • Train a ML model on the object detection output

Object Detection with DETR

  • DEtection TRansformer(DETR)

Object Detection with DETR

Object Detection with DETR

Object Detection with DETR


  • Hand-crafted anchors not required
  • They don’t require customized layers
  • Predict all objects at once
  • Post-processing not required for predicting bounding boxes
  • Attention maps can be used for Interpretation



  • What if object detection model doesn’t work?
  • A segmentation head can be trained on top of a pre-trained DETR




  • We can get the FPS for processing videos
  • Pre-trained Pytorch models and code available

Data Collection

  • Brainstorming how data needs to be annotated
  • Standardizing the definitions
  • Collecting Diversified data - Different yards, balls, walls, seasons etc
  • Labeling the data - Quality Vs Quantity
  • Discussing ambigious cases with labelers and keep improving


Using a pre-trained model is both more cost-efficient and leads to better results

How to select a pre-trained model

  • Spot check all the available pre-trained models (expensive)
  • Select a single pre-trained model based on
    • Amount of data used for training
    • Varied upstream data
    • Best upstream validation performance
  • Cheaper strategy works equally well as the more expensive strategy in the majority of scenarios
  • How to train your ViT - Research paper


  • False alarms are better than not raising alarm when necessary
  • Recall is more important in this case
  • Too many false alarms will reduce the customer satisfaction
  • Improve Recall while maintaining Precision at an acceptable level


  • FPS
  • mAP for object detection
  • Recall, Precision and F1 for the classification


  • Frame sampling instead of predicting on all frames?
  • Deployment using platforms like Ray for effective GPU utilization
  • Deployment at Edge to meet latency requirements - TensorRT
  • Use AB testing framework to deploy new models

Continual Learning

  • Continual learning suits deep learning models
  • Incentivize customers to label the data in real time
  • Update the model parameters in real time
  • Continously monitor the model performance

Tool Suggestion for Monitoring

  • Fiftyone


  • Start simple
  • Small improvements on regular basis
  • Lookout for new discovery in the field
  • Get Feedback, Iterate, Improve
  • Keep the cycle going