Mobile phone Data



  • active_days
  • number_of_contacts
  • number_of_interactions
  • call_duration
  • percent_nocturnal
  • percent_initiated_conversations
  • response_delay_text
  • response_rate_text
  • entropy_of_contacts
  • Interactions_per_contact
  • percent_pareto_interactions (percentage of user’s contact that account for 80% of its interactions)
  • percent_pareto_durations


  • Number of unique places (antennas) visited
  • Entropy of antennas
  • percent at home
  • radius of gyration (the equivalent distance of the mass from the center of gravity, for all visited places)
  • frequent_antennas - location that accounts for 80% of the locations the user was
  • churn_rate - Computes the frequency spent at every towers each week, and returns the distribution of the cosine similarity between two consecutives week

Network (These are graph network analysis)

  • Directed, weighted matrix for call, text etc
  • Directed, Unweighted matrix
  • Undirected, weighted matrix
  • Undirected, Unweighted matrix
  • Clustering coefficient - Measure of the degree to which nodes in a graph tend to cluster together
  • clustering coefficient unweighted of users weighted undirected network
  • clustering coefficient weighted (undirected)
  • assortativity of indicators(The extent to which nodes of a graphlink to others of the same degree)
  • assortativity of attributes


  • Recharge amounts
  • Time between recharges
  • percent pareto recharges
  • Number of recharges
  • Average daily balance estimated from all recharges


  • Mobile data will not be uniform across different networks. A different model may be required for different network.