Predicting Economic Development Using Geolocated wikipedia articles

  • Estimate socioeconomic indicators using open-source, geolocated textual information from wikipedia articles
  • NLP techniques are used to predict community level asset wealth and education outcomes using nearby geolocated Wikipedia articles
  • Many wikipedia articles are geolocated. Many developing regions of the world contain high concentrations of geolocated articles. These articles contain a rich textual information about locations and entities in an area

An Example of a geolocated wikipedia article


  • Geolocated articles are mapped to a vector representation using Doc2vec method
  • Use spatial distribution of the embeddings to predict socioeconomic indicators of poverty, as measured by ground-truth survey data collected by the world bank.
  • The model is further extended to include information about nightime light intensity as measured by satellites
  • This method is able to provide reliable predictions

Data used

  • Asset ownership from DHS
  • Corpus of geolocated wikipedia articles. For Africa there were roughly 50,000 such articles.
  • Nightlights Imagery from VIIRS


  • Wikipedia articles consist of a lot of bias in terms of information present, length of articles etc
  • Doc2vec model is used to train the embeddings from the documents

Doc2vec Model

Multi-Modal architecture with Images and Text


  • Wikipedia embedding model outperformed the Nightlight-only model (train and tested within the same country)
  • Wikipedia embedding contributes positively towards the predictions
  • Multi-modal model performs best in all the different situations
  • Results suggest that wikipedia embeddings and nightlight images provide highly complementary information about poverty


Research Article