Efficient Poverty Mapping using Deep Reinforcement Learning

  • Reinforcement learning approach in which free low-resolution imagery is used to dynamically identify where to acquire costly high-resolution images, prior to performing a deep learning task on high-resolution images


  • LSMS survey conducted in Uganda
  • High resolution images from DigitalGlobe satellites with 3 bands (RGB) and 30cm pixel resolution
  • Low resolution satellite imagery from Sentinel-2 with 3 bands (RGB) with 10m pixel resolution


Deep reinforcement learning method used

  • In the first step, High Resolution (HR) tiles are adaptively sampled and in the second step, pre-trained detector is used on the images

Adaptive selection

  • This framework finds tiles to sample, conditioned on the low spatial resolution image covering a cluster.
  • A policy network is modelled to only choose tiles where there is desirable number of object counts
  • The reward function encourages dropping as many subtiles as possible while successfully approximating the classwise object counts (object detection was used)


  • The model achieved an R-squared of 0.62 and substantially outperforms results published from other studies, while using around 80% fewer satellite images.
  • The model is performing well when images of wet season is used instead of dry season

Difference in image acquisition for dry and wet seasons


Research Paper