CNN Interpretation

Techniques for interpreting NN

Learned Features

  • The approach of making the learned features explicit is called Feature Visualization
  • Feature visualization for a unit of NN is done by finding the input that maximizes the activation of that unit
  • Feature visualization can be done at Neuron, feature map, entire convolution layer etc.

Network Dissection

  • It links highly activated areas of CNN channels with human concepts Network Dissection Algorithm

Pixel Attribution (Saliency Maps)

  • This method highlights the pixels that were relevant for a certain image classification
  • Pixel attribution can be of two methods
    • Perturbation based - Manipulate parts of the image to generate explanations
    • Gradient based - Many methods compute the gradient of the prediction with respect to the input features

Gradient based methods

  • Vanilla Gradient
  • DeconvNet
  • Grad-CAM
  • Guided Grad-CAM
  • SmoothGrad

Detecting Concept

  • TCAV - Testing with concept activation vectors - For any given concept, TCAV measures the extent of that concept’s influence on the model’s prediction for a certain class. For example, TCAV can answer questions such as how the concept of “striped” influences a model classifying an image as a “zebra”. Since TCAV describes the relationship between a concept and a class, instead of explaining a single prediction, it provides useful global interpretation for a model’s overall behavior.
  • Different types of CAV:-
    • Automated concept based explanation (ACE)
    • Concept bottleneck models
    • Concept whitening

Adversarial Examples

  • An instance with small, intentional feature perturbations that cause a ml model to make a false prediction

Influential Instances

  • We call a training instance “influential” when its deletion from the training data affect the resulting model.
  • Two approaches:-
    • Deletion diagnostics
    • Influence functions

Deletion Diagnostics

  • DFBETA - Measures the effect of deleting an instance on model parameters
  • Cook’s distance - Measures the effect of deleting an instance on model predictions
  • DFBETA works only for parameterized models
  • we can build a interpretable model between the influence of the instances and their features. This will provide more insights into the model.
  • The disadvantage of this method is that retraining is required for each instance in the dataset.

Code Implementation
