Spark Joins

Spark has five distinct join strategies
* Broadcast hash join * Shuffle hash join * Shuffle sort merge join * Broadcast nested loop join * shuffle and replicated nested loop join or cartesian product join

Broadcast Hash Join

  • It is employed when we want to join a small dataset with a large dataset
  • The smaller dataset is broadcasted by driver to all executors
  • Moving the larger dataset is avoided
  • By default spark will use broadcast join if the smaller dataset is less than 10 MB
  • configuration for broadcast join spark.sql.autoBroadcastJoinThreshold
  • We can either increase or decrease the threshold as required

Broadcast Hash Join

Broadcast Hash Join

from pyspark.sql.functions import broadcast
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName('joins').getOrCreate()
23/05/06 17:39:52 WARN Utils: Your hostname, thulasiram resolves to a loopback address:; using instead (on interface wlp0s20f3)
23/05/06 17:39:52 WARN Utils: Set SPARK_LOCAL_IP if you need to bind to another address
Setting default log level to "WARN".
To adjust logging level use sc.setLogLevel(newLevel). For SparkR, use setLogLevel(newLevel).
23/05/06 17:39:53 WARN NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable
largeDF = spark.range(1, 10000)
smallDF = spark.range(1, 100)
joinedDF = largeDF.join(smallDF,"id")
== Physical Plan ==
AdaptiveSparkPlan isFinalPlan=false
+- Project [id#0L]
   +- BroadcastHashJoin [id#0L], [id#2L], Inner, BuildRight, false
      :- Range (1, 10000, step=1, splits=16)
      +- BroadcastExchange HashedRelationBroadcastMode(List(input[0, bigint, false]),false), [plan_id=16]
         +- Range (1, 100, step=1, splits=16)

== Physical Plan ==
AdaptiveSparkPlan (6)
+- Project (5)
   +- BroadcastHashJoin Inner BuildRight (4)
      :- Range (1)
      +- BroadcastExchange (3)
         +- Range (2)

(1) Range
Output [1]: [id#0L]
Arguments: Range (1, 10000, step=1, splits=Some(16))

(2) Range
Output [1]: [id#2L]
Arguments: Range (1, 100, step=1, splits=Some(16))

(3) BroadcastExchange
Input [1]: [id#2L]
Arguments: HashedRelationBroadcastMode(List(input[0, bigint, false]),false), [plan_id=16]

(4) BroadcastHashJoin
Left keys [1]: [id#0L]
Right keys [1]: [id#2L]
Join condition: None

(5) Project
Output [1]: [id#0L]
Input [2]: [id#0L, id#2L]

(6) AdaptiveSparkPlan
Output [1]: [id#0L]
Arguments: isFinalPlan=false

Shuffle Hash Join

  • Moving the data with the same value of join key in the same executor node
  • Followed by hash join
  • Join key does not need to be sortable
  • Expensive join that involves both shuffling and Hashing

Shuffle Hash Join

Shuffle Sort Merge Join

Shuffle sort-merge Join

  • Shuffle sort-merge join involves shuffling of data to get the same join_key with the same worker
  • sort-merge join operation at the partition level in the worker nodes
  • The join keys need to be sortable
  • sortMergeJoin is enabled via spark.sql.join.preferSortMergeJoin
  • Default Join in spark

Shuffle sort-merge Join

Optimizing Shuffle Sort Merge Join

  • Bucketing is an optimization technqiue
  • Using Bucketing to determine data partitioning and avoid data shuffle
  • use bucketBy method on the datasets so that keys are co-located
  • The number of buckets and the bucketing columns have to be the same across DataFrames participating in join
largeDF =spark.range(1, 100000)
smallDF = spark.range(1, 1000)
# Bucket the dataframe
(largeDF.write.bucketBy(12, "id")

(smallDF.write.bucketBy(12, "id")
[Stage 0:>                                                        (0 + 16) / 16]
23/05/06 18:39:05 WARN MemoryManager: Total allocation exceeds 95.00% (1,020,054,720 bytes) of heap memory
Scaling row group sizes to 95.00% for 8 writers
23/05/06 18:39:05 WARN MemoryManager: Total allocation exceeds 95.00% (1,020,054,720 bytes) of heap memory
Scaling row group sizes to 84.44% for 9 writers
23/05/06 18:39:05 WARN MemoryManager: Total allocation exceeds 95.00% (1,020,054,720 bytes) of heap memory
Scaling row group sizes to 76.00% for 10 writers
23/05/06 18:39:05 WARN MemoryManager: Total allocation exceeds 95.00% (1,020,054,720 bytes) of heap memory
Scaling row group sizes to 69.09% for 11 writers
23/05/06 18:39:05 WARN MemoryManager: Total allocation exceeds 95.00% (1,020,054,720 bytes) of heap memory
Scaling row group sizes to 63.33% for 12 writers
23/05/06 18:39:05 WARN MemoryManager: Total allocation exceeds 95.00% (1,020,054,720 bytes) of heap memory
Scaling row group sizes to 58.46% for 13 writers
23/05/06 18:39:05 WARN MemoryManager: Total allocation exceeds 95.00% (1,020,054,720 bytes) of heap memory
Scaling row group sizes to 54.29% for 14 writers
23/05/06 18:39:05 WARN MemoryManager: Total allocation exceeds 95.00% (1,020,054,720 bytes) of heap memory
Scaling row group sizes to 50.67% for 15 writers
23/05/06 18:39:05 WARN MemoryManager: Total allocation exceeds 95.00% (1,020,054,720 bytes) of heap memory
Scaling row group sizes to 47.50% for 16 writers
23/05/06 18:39:05 WARN MemoryManager: Total allocation exceeds 95.00% (1,020,054,720 bytes) of heap memory
Scaling row group sizes to 50.67% for 15 writers
23/05/06 18:39:05 WARN MemoryManager: Total allocation exceeds 95.00% (1,020,054,720 bytes) of heap memory
Scaling row group sizes to 54.29% for 14 writers
23/05/06 18:39:05 WARN MemoryManager: Total allocation exceeds 95.00% (1,020,054,720 bytes) of heap memory
Scaling row group sizes to 58.46% for 13 writers
23/05/06 18:39:05 WARN MemoryManager: Total allocation exceeds 95.00% (1,020,054,720 bytes) of heap memory
Scaling row group sizes to 63.33% for 12 writers
23/05/06 18:39:05 WARN MemoryManager: Total allocation exceeds 95.00% (1,020,054,720 bytes) of heap memory
Scaling row group sizes to 69.09% for 11 writers
23/05/06 18:39:05 WARN MemoryManager: Total allocation exceeds 95.00% (1,020,054,720 bytes) of heap memory
Scaling row group sizes to 76.00% for 10 writers
23/05/06 18:39:05 WARN MemoryManager: Total allocation exceeds 95.00% (1,020,054,720 bytes) of heap memory
Scaling row group sizes to 84.44% for 9 writers
23/05/06 18:39:05 WARN MemoryManager: Total allocation exceeds 95.00% (1,020,054,720 bytes) of heap memory
Scaling row group sizes to 95.00% for 8 writers
23/05/06 18:39:05 WARN MemoryManager: Total allocation exceeds 95.00% (1,020,054,720 bytes) of heap memory
Scaling row group sizes to 95.00% for 8 writers
23/05/06 18:39:05 WARN MemoryManager: Total allocation exceeds 95.00% (1,020,054,720 bytes) of heap memory
Scaling row group sizes to 84.44% for 9 writers
23/05/06 18:39:05 WARN MemoryManager: Total allocation exceeds 95.00% (1,020,054,720 bytes) of heap memory
Scaling row group sizes to 95.00% for 8 writers
23/05/06 18:39:05 WARN MemoryManager: Total allocation exceeds 95.00% (1,020,054,720 bytes) of heap memory
Scaling row group sizes to 84.44% for 9 writers
23/05/06 18:39:05 WARN MemoryManager: Total allocation exceeds 95.00% (1,020,054,720 bytes) of heap memory
Scaling row group sizes to 76.00% for 10 writers
23/05/06 18:39:05 WARN MemoryManager: Total allocation exceeds 95.00% (1,020,054,720 bytes) of heap memory
Scaling row group sizes to 69.09% for 11 writers
23/05/06 18:39:05 WARN MemoryManager: Total allocation exceeds 95.00% (1,020,054,720 bytes) of heap memory
Scaling row group sizes to 76.00% for 10 writers
23/05/06 18:39:05 WARN MemoryManager: Total allocation exceeds 95.00% (1,020,054,720 bytes) of heap memory
Scaling row group sizes to 84.44% for 9 writers
23/05/06 18:39:05 WARN MemoryManager: Total allocation exceeds 95.00% (1,020,054,720 bytes) of heap memory
Scaling row group sizes to 76.00% for 10 writers
23/05/06 18:39:05 WARN MemoryManager: Total allocation exceeds 95.00% (1,020,054,720 bytes) of heap memory
Scaling row group sizes to 84.44% for 9 writers
23/05/06 18:39:05 WARN MemoryManager: Total allocation exceeds 95.00% (1,020,054,720 bytes) of heap memory
Scaling row group sizes to 95.00% for 8 writers
23/05/06 18:39:05 WARN MemoryManager: Total allocation exceeds 95.00% (1,020,054,720 bytes) of heap memory
Scaling row group sizes to 95.00% for 8 writers
23/05/06 18:39:06 WARN MemoryManager: Total allocation exceeds 95.00% (1,020,054,720 bytes) of heap memory
Scaling row group sizes to 95.00% for 8 writers
23/05/06 18:39:06 WARN MemoryManager: Total allocation exceeds 95.00% (1,020,054,720 bytes) of heap memory
Scaling row group sizes to 95.00% for 8 writers
23/05/06 18:39:06 WARN MemoryManager: Total allocation exceeds 95.00% (1,020,054,720 bytes) of heap memory
Scaling row group sizes to 84.44% for 9 writers
23/05/06 18:39:06 WARN MemoryManager: Total allocation exceeds 95.00% (1,020,054,720 bytes) of heap memory
Scaling row group sizes to 95.00% for 8 writers
23/05/06 18:39:06 WARN MemoryManager: Total allocation exceeds 95.00% (1,020,054,720 bytes) of heap memory
Scaling row group sizes to 95.00% for 8 writers
23/05/06 18:39:06 WARN MemoryManager: Total allocation exceeds 95.00% (1,020,054,720 bytes) of heap memory
Scaling row group sizes to 95.00% for 8 writers
# Read the bucketed tables
bucketedLargeDF ="largeTable")
bucketedSmallDF ="smallTable")
spark.conf.set("spark.sql.autoBroadcastJoinThreshold", -1)
joinedDF = bucketedLargeDF.join(bucketedSmallDF, "id")
== Parsed Logical Plan ==
'Join UsingJoin(Inner,Buffer(id))
:- SubqueryAlias spark_catalog.default.largetable
:  +- Relation default.largetable[id#12L] parquet
+- SubqueryAlias spark_catalog.default.smalltable
   +- Relation default.smalltable[id#14L] parquet

== Analyzed Logical Plan ==
id: bigint
Project [id#12L]
+- Join Inner, (id#12L = id#14L)
   :- SubqueryAlias spark_catalog.default.largetable
   :  +- Relation default.largetable[id#12L] parquet
   +- SubqueryAlias spark_catalog.default.smalltable
      +- Relation default.smalltable[id#14L] parquet

== Optimized Logical Plan ==
Project [id#12L]
+- Join Inner, (id#12L = id#14L)
   :- Filter isnotnull(id#12L)
   :  +- Relation default.largetable[id#12L] parquet
   +- Filter isnotnull(id#14L)
      +- Relation default.smalltable[id#14L] parquet

== Physical Plan ==
AdaptiveSparkPlan isFinalPlan=false
+- Project [id#12L]
   +- SortMergeJoin [id#12L], [id#14L], Inner
      :- Sort [id#12L ASC NULLS FIRST], false, 0
      :  +- Filter isnotnull(id#12L)
      :     +- FileScan parquet default.largetable[id#12L] Batched: true, Bucketed: true, DataFilters: [isnotnull(id#12L)], Format: Parquet, Location: InMemoryFileIndex(1 paths)[file:/home/thulasiram/personal/data_engineering/spark/pyspark/spark-wa..., PartitionFilters: [], PushedFilters: [IsNotNull(id)], ReadSchema: struct<id:bigint>, SelectedBucketsCount: 12 out of 12
      +- Sort [id#14L ASC NULLS FIRST], false, 0
         +- Filter isnotnull(id#14L)
            +- FileScan parquet default.smalltable[id#14L] Batched: true, Bucketed: true, DataFilters: [isnotnull(id#14L)], Format: Parquet, Location: InMemoryFileIndex(1 paths)[file:/home/thulasiram/personal/data_engineering/spark/pyspark/spark-wa..., PartitionFilters: [], PushedFilters: [IsNotNull(id)], ReadSchema: struct<id:bigint>, SelectedBucketsCount: 12 out of 12

Cartesian Join

  • The cartesian product of the two relations is calculated

Broadcast nested loop Join

  • supports non-equi joins

Slow operation

for record_1 in relation_1: for record_2 in relation_2: # join condition is executed


Medium article on Spark Join Strategies