Object Detection - Part 11

  • Using sliding window for object detection. choosing the window size is a challenge
  • Region Proposal Netword - use traditional image processing techniques to come up with proposals for objects in the image. This is very fast. Selective search algorithm gives 2000 region proposals in a few seconds on CPU. Use convolutions on the proposed regions
  • Detection without proposals
  • Anchor Boxes with Grids


  • Predicting Bounding boxes from Region Proposal

  • Inference Steps

  • Using NMS to remove overlapping bounding boxes

  • Using NMS to remove overlapping bounding boxes

Fast R-CNN

  • Fast R-CNN flips ROI proposals and covnets used in R-CNN to speed up the process

  • Fast R-CNN

  • Using Resnet as backbone for Fast R-CNN

  • ROI proposal will crop and resize the feature map. This cropping has to happen in a differential manner. To achieve the same ROI pooling is done.

  • ROI pooling will provide the same size features for different sized proposal regions

  • Another method for cropping the feature maps is to use ROI Align method

  • During inference, 90% of the time is consumed by ROI Proposal which is done on a CPU

Faster R-CNN

  • Learnable Regional Proposal Network (RPN)

  • RPN Network uses image features and anchor boxes to generate proposals. This network uses K-different anchor boxes at each point.

  • For each anchor box at each point the network classifies if the anchor is an object and also predicts the box transforms.

  • These inputs are provided to the convolutional network by the RPN to predict the class and bounding boxes.

  • Working of RPN with Anchor boxes

Single-shot Detector (SSD)

  • Using only the RPN network to predict the final categories and bounding box. (Getting rid of the second stage to speed up the process)

  • Two stages in Faster R-CNN

  • SSD Working

Evaluating Object Detection Models

  • Average precision provides a balance between precision and recall

  • calculating mean Average Precision

  • calculating the Area under the PR curve to get Average Precision

  • Average the Average precision for all categories to get Mean Average Precision

  • In practice we calculate the mAP at various thresholds and take the average

  • This model is jointly trained on 4 losses

Best practices to use object Detection

  • Choose appropriate backbone
  • Very big models work better
  • Train longer
  • using multiscale backbone: Feature Pyramid Networks
  • Single stage methods have improved
  • Test-time augmentation pushes numbers up
  • Big ensembles, more data, etc. provides better accuracy
