Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformer (BERT)

  • Pre-trained language model

  • Can be fine tuned with a simple additional output layer and reasonably sized dataset for a broad range of NLP tasks

  • BERT Inputs

  • BERT Pretrained on NSP and MLM

  • BERT fine-tuning architecture for token tagging tasks like POS, NER, QA


  • Masked Language Modelling
  • Next Sentence Prediction

BERT Variants

Robustly Optimized BERT pre-training approach (RoBERTa)

  • Same architecture as BERT with difference in the amount of training data, training tasks, methods and hyperparameter tuning

The Important differences are:- * Pre-training the model for longer time * Using bigger batches * Using more training data * Removing the Next sentence Prediction (NSP) task * Training on longer sequences * Dynamically changing the masking pattern applied to the training data for each epoch. (For BERT the masked token were static for all epochs)

BERT Applications


  • The first model to have been pre-trained on both natural language sentences and tabular data formats.
  • TaBERT is built on top of the BERT model that accepts natural language queries and tables as input.
  • It acquires contextual representations for sentences as well as the consitituents of the DB table
  • These representations may be further fine-tuned using the training data for that job


  • BERT for topic modeling
  • BERT models are used to create the embeddings of the documents of interest
  • Preprocessing takes care of the document size by dividing to small paragraphs that are smaller than the token size for the transformer model
  • Clustering is performed on the document embeddings to cluster all the documents with similar topics together
  • Dimensionality reduction is used to reduce the dimensionality of the embeddings
  • class-based TF-IDF in which all documents in a certain category is considered as a single document then tf-idf computed - This calculates the relative importance of a word in a class instead of documents

BERT Insights


  • It aims to answer why BERT performs well on so many NLP tasks

Read More

  • Teacher forcing in RNN models
  • Covariance shift - Gradient dependencies between each layer and speeds up the convergence as fewer iterations are needed. How Layer Normalization and Covariance shift are related?
  • Different Normalizations - Batch, layer etc
  • Perplexity - Evaluation metric