Graph Machine Learning

Node level features

Node Centrality measures the node importance in a graph. Node degree is the quantity of direct neighbours it has. clustering coefficient measures how connected are the node neighbours. Graphlets degree Vectors count how many different graphlets are rooted at a given node.

2-to-5 node graphlets

Edge level features

  • Shortest distance between two nodes
  • Common neighbours of two nodes
  • Katz index - Number of possible walks up to a certain length between two nodes

Graph level features

  • Graphlet counts
  • Kernel methods measure similarity between graphs through different “bag of nodes” methods (similar to bag of words)

Graph ML methods

Advances in GraphML

Walk-based approaches

Steps in Node2Vec

  • Node2Vec simulates random walks between nodes of a graph, then processes these walks with skip-gram, to compute embeddings
  • The drawback of Node2Vec is as the graph changes the embeddings should change. Suitable for a static graph

Graph Neural Networks

  • Graph Convolutional Networks averages the normalised representation of the neighbours for a node (most GNNs are actually GCNs)
  • Graph Attention Networks learn to weigh the different neighbours based on their importance (like transformers)
  • GraphSAGE samples neighbours at different hops before aggregating their information in several steps with max pooling.
  • Graph Isomorphism Networks aggregates representation by applying an MLP to the sum of the neighbours’ node representations.


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