CNN Architectures


  • It had 5 convolutional layers AlexNet Architecture

Memory, Parameters and FLOPS of Alexnet

VGG Architecture

  • One of the first architecture with Design rules

  • All convultional layers are 3x3 with stride 1 and pad 1

  • All max pool are 2x2 with stride 2

  • After pooling the number of channels are doubled

  • It came with 16 and 19 layer models

  • We have lot of parameters in the early convolutional layer and the fully connected layers at the end of the network

  • Future architectures will remove the fully connected layers to reduce the number of parameters

  • VGG Architecture with number of parameters

  • Different VGG Models with 16 and 19 layers

why 3x3 convolutional layers are used in VGG

  • Three 3x3 convolutional layers stacked together (with non-linearities and a stride of 1) will have a receptive field equivalent to one 7x7 layer

  • Using two 3x3 convolutional layers which is equivalent to using one 5x5 layer will have fewer number of parameters

  • Using 3x3 conv layers will also reduce the number of Floating Point Operations

  • We can use activation functions between the two 3x3 convolutional layers which will provide more non-linearity

AlexNet VS VGG - Memory, Parameters and FLOPS


  • 22 layers with only 5 million parameters
  • 12x less parameters than Alexnet
  • Inception modules are used in the network
  • No fully connected layers
  • Stem network at the start aggressively downsample input (for VGG-16 most of the compute was at the start due to large spatial dimensions)
  • No large Fully connected layers at the end. Instead uses global average pooling to collapse spatial dimensions and one linear layer to produce class scores (VGG-16 most parameters were in the FC layers)
  • They have auxiliary classifiers. Training using loss at the end of the network din’t work well. Network is too deep and gradients don’t propagate cleanly. As a hack, they attached auxiliary classifiers at intermediate points in the network that also try to classify the image and receive loss. (GooGleNet was before batch normalization, with BatchNorm no need to use this trick)
  • GoogleNet Architecture Stem reducing the spatial dimension
  • Auxiliary classifiers

Inception Module

  • Design of a network within a network (local network topology)

  • Inception modules are stacked on top of each other

  • The presence of multiple convolutional filters in the Inception module will blow the number of parameters and computation required. Bottleneck layers that use 1x1 convolutionals to reduce the depth while preserving spatial dimensions

  • Inception Module

  • Applying different filter operations on the input

  • computational complexity of Inception module

  • Inception layers with 1x1 convolution bottleneck layer

  • Bottleneck layer reducing the number of operations required in Inception Module


  • With Batch normalization, teams are able to train networks with 10+ layers

  • It was found that with deeper layers the models were not performing well as shallow models and are underfitting. This was happening due to optimization problem

  • 152 layer model

  • Very deep networks using residual connections

  • Deeper models does not perform better by adding more layers. Deeper layers are hard to optimize

  • ResNet with very large number of layers uses bottleneck blocks with 1x1 conv to reduce the number of channels, do convolutions with 3x3 filter and increase the number of channels with 1x1 filter

  • Increase in Number of layers

  • Residual blocks used to increase network depth
