Find Closest Value in BST

Write a function that takes in a BST and a target integer value and returns the closest value to that target in the BST.

def findClosestValueInBst(tree, target):
    # Initiate the closest value to infinity
    closestValue = float("inf")
    currentNode = tree

    while currentNode is not None:
        # If the current node's value is closer to the target value then the closesetValue
        # then update the closestValue
        if abs(currentNode.value - target) < abs(target - closestValue):
            closestValue = currentNode.value
        if currentNode.value < target:
            currentNode = currentNode.right

        elif currentNode.value > target:
            currentNode = currentNode.left

            # Break from the loop if currenNode is equal to the target value
    return closestValue