Pivot Table and Grouping in Pandas

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

Create a dataset

### Create a dataset
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

# create categorical variables
age_group = pd.Categorical(["18-24", "25-34", "35-44", "45-54", "55-64", "65+", "18-24", "25-34", "35-44", "45-54", "55-64", "65+", "18-24", "25-34", "35-44"])
marital_status = pd.Categorical(["Married", "Single", "Married", "Single", "Widowed", "Divorced", "Married", "Single", "Married", "Single", "Widowed", "Divorced", "Married", "Single", "Married"])
employment_status = pd.Categorical(["Employed", "Unemployed", "Employed", "Unemployed", "Retired", "Employed", "Unemployed", "Employed", "Unemployed", "Employed", "Retired", "Unemployed", "Employed", "Unemployed", "Retired"])
gender = pd.Categorical(["Male", "Female", "Male", "Female", "Male", "Female", "Male", "Female", "Male", "Female", "Male", "Female", "Male", "Female", "Male"])

# create numeric variables
income = np.random.normal(50000, 10000, 15)
education_years = np.random.randint(8, 16, 15)
number_of_children = np.random.randint(0, 5, 15)
hours_worked_per_week = np.random.randint(20, 60, 15)

# create census dataset
census_data = pd.DataFrame({"age_group": age_group, "marital_status": marital_status, "employment_status": employment_status, "gender": gender, "income": income, "education_years": education_years, "number_of_children": number_of_children, "hours_worked_per_week": hours_worked_per_week})
age_group marital_status employment_status gender income education_years number_of_children hours_worked_per_week
0 18-24 Married Employed Male 54327.605016 12 2 45
1 25-34 Single Unemployed Female 51258.164750 14 3 38
2 35-44 Married Employed Male 52939.298442 9 2 42

Pivot Table

# what is the average education years for each age_group and employment_status?
.pivot_table(index='age_group', columns='employment_status',
    values='education_years', aggfunc='mean')
employment_status Employed Retired Unemployed
18-24 10.5 NaN 12.0
25-34 8.0 NaN 14.5
35-44 9.0 9.0 11.0
45-54 8.0 NaN 15.0
55-64 NaN 14.5 NaN
65+ 11.0 NaN 15.0
# Using Max as aggregate function
.pivot_table(index='age_group', columns='employment_status',
    values='education_years', aggfunc='max')
employment_status Employed Retired Unemployed
18-24 12.0 NaN 12.0
25-34 8.0 NaN 15.0
35-44 9.0 9.0 11.0
45-54 8.0 NaN 15.0
55-64 NaN 15.0 NaN
65+ 11.0 NaN 15.0

Using multiple aggregations

# Find the Min and Max Incomes for all the age groups
         values='income', aggfunc=['min', 'max'])
min max
income income
18-24 53176.552487 65210.548202
25-34 32718.963301 63933.909067
35-44 52939.298442 66377.414798
45-54 38553.347657 61113.975298
55-64 46070.260269 51285.443271
65+ 42717.383692 51510.970139
         values=['income','education_years'], aggfunc=['min', 'max'])
min max
education_years income education_years income
18-24 9 53176.552487 12 65210.548202
25-34 8 32718.963301 15 63933.909067
35-44 9 52939.298442 11 66377.414798
45-54 8 38553.347657 15 61113.975298
55-64 14 46070.260269 15 51285.443271
65+ 11 42717.383692 15 51510.970139

Using custom aggregate function in pivot_table

# We can provide a custom aggfunc function to the pivot_table 
# Let us calculate the percentage of people employment for a given age_group
def percentage_of_employment_status(ser):
    return ser.str.contains('Employed').sum() / len(ser) * 100

# We are not provide 'columns' here because we need a single column output
# The custom aggregate function will be applied on the values 'employment_status'
    values='employment_status', aggfunc=percentage_of_employment_status)
18-24 66.666667
25-34 33.333333
35-44 33.333333
45-54 50.000000
55-64 0.000000
65+ 50.000000

Different Aggregations per column

# For each gender what is the average Income and max hours_worked_per_week
        aggfunc={'income': 'mean', 'hours_worked_per_week': 'min'})
hours_worked_per_week income
Female 29 48829.530558
Male 26 55967.094844


`groupby’ will perform three steps - Split, Apply, Combine

  • groupby method is lazy and does not perform an aggregation until we specify which aggregation to perform
# This will create a multi-Index series
# The columns in groupby will become the index of the series or dataframe
# we need to unstack the index to get the pivot table
age_group  employment_status
18-24      Employed             10.5
           Retired               NaN
           Unemployed           12.0
25-34      Employed              8.0
           Retired               NaN
           Unemployed           14.5
35-44      Employed              9.0
           Retired               9.0
           Unemployed           11.0
45-54      Employed              8.0
           Retired               NaN
           Unemployed           15.0
55-64      Employed              NaN
           Retired              14.5
           Unemployed            NaN
65+        Employed             11.0
           Retired               NaN
           Unemployed           15.0
Name: education_years, dtype: float64
# The below code will unstack the multi-Index and create a pivot table
# The column names are still multi-Index
# We can rename the column names for convineance
employment_status Employed Retired Unemployed
18-24 10.5 NaN 12.0
25-34 8.0 NaN 14.5
35-44 9.0 9.0 11.0
45-54 8.0 NaN 15.0
55-64 NaN 14.5 NaN
65+ 11.0 NaN 15.0
# better coding format
employment_status Employed Retired Unemployed
18-24 10.5 NaN 12.0
25-34 8.0 NaN 14.5
35-44 9.0 9.0 11.0
45-54 8.0 NaN 15.0
55-64 NaN 14.5 NaN
65+ 11.0 NaN 15.0

Groupby using custom Aggregate function

(census_data   # dataframe on which to perform groupby
.groupby(['age_group']) # columns to group by
## Pull out the required column on which to perform aggregation
[['employment_status']] # column on which to perform aggregation operation. As we are using '[[' here, the output will be a dataframe. If using '[', the output will be series
.agg(percentage_of_employment_status) # using custom aggregate function
18-24 66.666667
25-34 33.333333
35-44 33.333333
45-54 50.000000
55-64 0.000000
65+ 50.000000

groupby aggregation on multiple columns

# Find the Min and Max Incomes for all the age groups
    [['income', 'education_years']]
    .agg(['min', 'max'])
income education_years
min max min max
18-24 53176.552487 65210.548202 9 12
25-34 32718.963301 63933.909067 8 15
35-44 52939.298442 66377.414798 9 11
45-54 38553.347657 61113.975298 8 15
55-64 46070.260269 51285.443271 14 15
65+ 42717.383692 51510.970139 11 15

Different aggregations per column

# For each gender what is the average Income and max hours_worked_per_week
    .agg({'income': ['min','max','mean'], 'hours_worked_per_week': 'min'})
income hours_worked_per_week
min max mean min
Female 32718.963301 63933.909067 48829.530558 29
Male 46070.260269 66377.414798 55967.094844 26

Named Aggregations

  • We can use this functionality to name the columns when using groupby
  • We can use keyword parameter in agg function, which will turn into a column name
  • The input for keyword parameter will be a tuple - (column_name, agg_function)
  • Use Named Aggregations for flat column names
  • When performing groupby with multiple categorical columns, pandas will create the cartesian product of those columns even if there is no corresponding value.
  • This is not available for pivot_table
min_income max_income mean_income min_hours_worked_per_week max_hours_worked_per_week
Female 32718.963301 63933.909067 48829.530558 29 54
Male 46070.260269 66377.414798 55967.094844 26 59

Grouping with Functions

def even_grouper(idx):
    return 'odd' if idx % 2  else 'even'
census_data.pivot_table(index=even_grouper, aggfunc='size')
even    8
odd     7
dtype: int64
even    8
odd     7
dtype: int64

Stacking and Unstacking

  • Unstack moves an index into the columns
  • We use this on multi-index data, moving one of the indices into the columns
  • stack method does the reverse, moving multi-level column into the index
age_group  employment_status
18-24      Employed             2
           Retired              0
           Unemployed           1
25-34      Employed             1
           Retired              0
           Unemployed           2
35-44      Employed             1
           Retired              1
           Unemployed           1
45-54      Employed             1
           Retired              0
           Unemployed           1
55-64      Employed             0
           Retired              2
           Unemployed           0
65+        Employed             1
           Retired              0
           Unemployed           1
dtype: int64
# Unstacking a series into a dataframe
employment_status Employed Retired Unemployed
18-24 2 0 1
25-34 1 0 2
35-44 1 1 1
45-54 1 0 1
55-64 0 2 0
65+ 1 0 1
# Unstacking a index of a dataframe into nested columns
income education_years number_of_children hours_worked_per_week
employment_status Employed Retired Unemployed Employed Retired Unemployed Employed Retired Unemployed Employed Retired Unemployed
18-24 53752.078752 NaN 65210.548202 10.5 NaN 12.0 1.0 NaN 4.0 35.5 NaN 36.0
25-34 63933.909067 NaN 41988.564026 8.0 NaN 14.5 4.0 NaN 1.5 33.0 NaN 46.0
35-44 52939.298442 58349.636265 66377.414798 9.0 9.0 11.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 42.0 51.0 51.0
45-54 61113.975298 NaN 38553.347657 8.0 NaN 15.0 0.0 NaN 0.0 34.0 NaN 29.0
55-64 NaN 48677.851770 NaN NaN 14.5 NaN NaN 2.5 NaN NaN 55.5 NaN
65+ 42717.383692 NaN 51510.970139 11.0 NaN 15.0 0.0 NaN 4.0 53.0 NaN 35.0
# Stacking
# We take nested columns and send it to index
# This is the opposite of stacking
# The outermost column is 0 and the inner columns are 1
          aggfunc={'income':['min','max'], 'hours_worked_per_week':['min','max']})
hours_worked_per_week income
max min max min
18-24 45 26 65210.548202 53176.552487
25-34 54 33 63933.909067 32718.963301
35-44 51 42 66377.414798 52939.298442
45-54 34 29 61113.975298 38553.347657
55-64 59 52 51285.443271 46070.260269
65+ 53 35 51510.970139 42717.383692
# Stacking the outer column
          aggfunc={'income':['min','max'], 'hours_worked_per_week':['min','max']})
max min
18-24 hours_worked_per_week 45.000000 26.000000
income 65210.548202 53176.552487
25-34 hours_worked_per_week 54.000000 33.000000
income 63933.909067 32718.963301
35-44 hours_worked_per_week 51.000000 42.000000
income 66377.414798 52939.298442
45-54 hours_worked_per_week 34.000000 29.000000
income 61113.975298 38553.347657
55-64 hours_worked_per_week 59.000000 52.000000
income 51285.443271 46070.260269
65+ hours_worked_per_week 53.000000 35.000000
income 51510.970139 42717.383692
# Stacking the inner column
          aggfunc={'income':['min','max'], 'hours_worked_per_week':['min','max']})
hours_worked_per_week income
18-24 max 45 65210.548202
min 26 53176.552487
25-34 max 54 63933.909067
min 33 32718.963301
35-44 max 51 66377.414798
min 42 52939.298442
45-54 max 34 61113.975298
min 29 38553.347657
55-64 max 59 51285.443271
min 52 46070.260269
65+ max 53 51510.970139
min 35 42717.383692

Flatenning the Hierarchial Index

# We can use 'reset_index' method to make the indexes columns of a df
age_group  employment_status
18-24      Employed             53752.078752
           Retired                       NaN
           Unemployed           65210.548202
25-34      Employed             63933.909067
           Retired                       NaN
           Unemployed           41988.564026
35-44      Employed             52939.298442
           Retired              58349.636265
           Unemployed           66377.414798
45-54      Employed             61113.975298
           Retired                       NaN
           Unemployed           38553.347657
55-64      Employed                      NaN
           Retired              48677.851770
           Unemployed                    NaN
65+        Employed             42717.383692
           Retired                       NaN
           Unemployed           51510.970139
Name: income, dtype: float64
# Using reset_index will make the index columns and flatten the hierarchy
age_group employment_status income
0 18-24 Employed 53752.078752
1 18-24 Retired NaN
2 18-24 Unemployed 65210.548202
3 25-34 Employed 63933.909067
4 25-34 Retired NaN
5 25-34 Unemployed 41988.564026
6 35-44 Employed 52939.298442
7 35-44 Retired 58349.636265
8 35-44 Unemployed 66377.414798
9 45-54 Employed 61113.975298
10 45-54 Retired NaN
11 45-54 Unemployed 38553.347657
12 55-64 Employed NaN
13 55-64 Retired 48677.851770
14 55-64 Unemployed NaN
15 65+ Employed 42717.383692
16 65+ Retired NaN
17 65+ Unemployed 51510.970139

Flattening the hierarchial columns

def flatten_cols(df):
    cols = ['_'.join(map(str, vals)) for vals in df.columns.to_flat_index()]
    df.columns = cols
    return df
          aggfunc={'income':['min','max'], 'hours_worked_per_week':['min','max']})
hours_worked_per_week_max hours_worked_per_week_min income_max income_min
18-24 45 26 65210.548202 53176.552487
25-34 54 33 63933.909067 32718.963301
35-44 51 42 66377.414798 52939.298442
45-54 34 29 61113.975298 38553.347657
55-64 59 52 51285.443271 46070.260269
65+ 53 35 51510.970139 42717.383692