Text Preprocessing

Steps involved in tokenization


  • Stripping whitespace
  • Lowercasing
  • Unicode Normalization - There exist various ways to write the same character. Unicode Normalization schemes like NFC, NFD, NFKC and NFKD replace various ways to write the same character with standard forms.
  • Converting numbers to characters
  • Expanding abbrevations
  • Removing characters like @
  • Correcting spellings


  • Splitting text into words

Tokenizer model

  • Split into subwords with Byte-Pair Encoding (BPE)
  • Tokenizer needs to be trained on the corpus or that has been trained if we are using a pretrained tokenizer.
  • The words are divided into subwords to reduce the size of the vocabulary and try to reduce the number of out-of-vocabulary tokens
  • Algos for subword tokenization are
    • BPE
    • Unigram
    • WordPiece


  • Adding special tokens at the beginning or end

SentencePiece Tokenizer

  • It encodes each input text as a sequence of Unicode characters. (useful for handling multilingual corpora)